Get version 1.1.0k! (we fixed a few bugs)

Hello my favorite humans and human like things out there!

It is the Chinese New Year! Everyone get excited for a new year of liiiiife!

For Yolk Heroes, we're hard at work on our first major content update. Poke Place.

Poke Place is a Virtual Pet Game within the Virtual Pet Game, so your Virtual Pet can have Virtual Pets. You know you've always wanted this! Poke place is pronounced to rhyme with yolk. Poke being slang for little buddy and all that. It won't have any plot importance, but it will have the importance of getting to raise a little fairy thing! Also, some of the best pixel art we did for the project but ended up being cut from the main game is being re-used to give it some real pizzazz!

We're hoping to release this update a little later this year, however, the lead developer on it also has a full time job NOT working on cute games like this, so it's a bit slow going! Bills are hard!

That said, we've also got a new build up. It should fix a few issues here and there. So, here's the change list for this build of the game.

-Removed an enemy from the compendium that never actually appears in the game. (Was a Boss that had two names. Whoops!)
-Added several enemies to the game that were in the compendium but could not actually be encountered. (Oh no! I'm so sorry 100% completionists!!)
-Fixed several bugs in the mobile version such as the tragic store crash. (Not important to you PC version peeps, but hopefully the mobile experience is much smoother and less crashy now.)
-Added more pixie dust to the Fairy Queen's magic, which is like fairy dust but made of pixels.
-Minor optimization changes. (Let me know if these cause the game to crash in weird ways)
-Fixed a bug that caused the game to get stuck upon certain actions. Now it doesn't!
-Gave my trust to the future

Those are the changes! We're hoping to have the mobile version updated so you can pay to get a version without ads very soon, but it turns out this doesn't seem to ever have been done before in Godot, so we're fighting with the very engine the game is built in. YAAAAY! Yaay...

Anyways, love you all.


The Yolk Heroes Team

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