1.1.0f is now available!!

Hey fellow Yolklings!

It's been a minute, almost a full month since our last update! We've been very hard at work on the game believe it or not. Trying to address the most complained about issues and bugs.

We've also been hard at work on the mobile port of the game. Which we're hoping will come out next month, but don't hold us to that! Mobile porting is hard.

Most exciting for this update is that we've hopefully figured out the issue with the Auto Queue so that it can work during offline progress and let people play the game a bit more idle friendly if they like to turn the game off for extended periods of time and come back to find the Yolk having done many glorious things.

We also adjusted a lot of numbers to try and make the end game smoother as well as many small quality of life and other bug issues.

v1.1.0f -------

  • Auto Queue can now activate during offline progress. Fixed many offline progress related bugs.
  • Monster reward money and xp are now fixed. Numbers were swapped before.
  • Updated weapon multipliers.
  • Various other bug fixes and QOL improvements.
  • Updated Japanese localization. (Let us know if there are any issues)
  • Fixed a bug where if auto queue activated during the transition of an action completing, the Hero
  • might stand around during the next action not doing anything.
  • The Fairy Queen weeps for you.
  • Auto Queue no longer complains about 'not enough energy' and instead silently does nothing in
  • such cases.
  • Fix a bug where a quest's unlocks would unlock before the quest was completed.

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